Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #23 - Reflection

Woo-Hoo I am done! Didn't thing I was going to make it by the deadline. I signed up for this course to make good use of my time while I was trapped at home recovering from surgery and maybe pick up a few new tricks. I have learned from this experience that pain and creativity don't really go hand in hand.

I can't think of any lesson off hand that will make a dramatic change in my classroom but there are a few things that might end up creeping in. I am already using delicious regularly.

Thing #22 - Nings

I wandered around the teacher's sections. I don't see a lot of use for this tool in my classroom. Most of the blogs posted at the high school level were for ELA, English, and Social Studies with a smattering of biology and math. Most of the blogs were of a more social nature and nothing I was interested in.

Thing #21 Podcasts and Audio Books

That was relatively painless and very easy to use. I didn't have access to a microphone so I could not add sound. It will take a bit of work to create a podcast but I can see how it might be useful once it is all done.

This was very useful. Last semester I was trying to figure out how to use a YouTube video in class and ran out of time before I could figure in out. Now that I know how to do it, I can easily add videos to my presentations as I update them. The only down side is the it is the small square.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #19 - Web 2.0 Awards List

What a neat site! I really liked how it was arranged and how the different cites were ranked. I checked out two different cites: .Docstoc and Onmidrive. The Docstoc had some interesting handouts already put together and Onmidrive was a cite that allowed storage of all your data at one spot that can be accessed in multiple ways. There were several things on the list that I will be checking out as a need presents itself.

Thing #18 - Online Productivity Tools

I first heard about these several years ago. They are a very nice basic service and nice to keep in mind for the students that do not have office. Microsoft office has a few more bells and whistles than the free products. We use enough of them to make the shareware versions not as practical.

Thing #17 Rollyo

Rollyo has possibilities. I had no problems creating my list and finding it. It took me a little while to figure out how to get the URL for the search I created but I finally got it ( I did not find the site particularly intuitive and am curious to how much the students would like it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing #16 Wikis

Very cool! This is a tool that could be very useful. At the moment I am not coming up with a place to insert it into my curriculum but will definitely keep it in the back of my mind. Sure wish I had known about this last summer when we were working on writing curriculum.